Obedience Training
Obedience training is the foundation for everything you want from your German Shepherd.
Potty training, good manners, enjoyable walks with your dog, tricks, performance exercises, and competition exhibitions are examples of the result of successful obedience training.
We offer a full range of Obedience classes from Beginners through advanced classes.
You are able to train your dog to the level of obedience you desire. In detail, our training program is comprised of the following classes:
Beginners – This is an 8 week class where you learn basic dog training. You learn about training equipment, its proper use, getting your dog’s attention, basic commands, delivery of a command, praise and gentle but firm
handling. Most time in this class is spent working with your dog applying what you have learned. Our Instructors help you to obtain correct results.
Intermediate – Upon successful completion of the Beginners class, you progress to the Intermediate class. Here you are taught to improve the techniques learned in the Beginners class along with new techniques and exercises. Items taught are improved leash handling, when to use verbal commands, corrections and praise, use of food as a motivator, consistency, jumps are introduced, and more praise.
Pre-Novice/Novice – This class is a continuation of the skills learned to date. Stressed here is consistency in performing exercises, praise, and motivation. You and your dog begin to work as a team, and you begin working
with your dog off leash. Practice taking your dog over jumps continues in this class. Training to the fullest extent this class offers, you and your dog are performing all exercises well enough to pass the AKC Companion Dog Degree (CD).
Advanced Obedience Training Class – By the time you get to this class, you have realized the joy and fun you and your dog are having through obedience training. Most participants here are showing their dog for their CD or have earned that
degree. They are now training for the next two AKC degrees, Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) and Utility Degree (UD). All exercises for both these degrees are performed with your dog off leash. The basic difference between
exercises performed for these degrees is their difficulty. Most exercises performed for the CDX (called the Open class at AKC shows) require your dog to be working with you or to be coming to you. Most exercises performed for the UD require your dog to leave your side to go do something different each time. Successful completion of these degrees is very challenging and very rewarding for you and your dog.
Competition Class – This class may be offered dependant upon interest. Its goals